Midwest Warehouse is pleased to announce that construction is underway for the expansion of its 2885 Diehl Road, Naperville, ILfacility, following the ground breaking July 2, 2012. Members of the Executive Management team were onsite to commemorate the event.
Dave Borkowski, Operations Manager with Midwest Warehouse, says the 177,357 sq. ft. expansion to its facility will add 53 more dock doors, 40 new trailer parking positions, and approximately 6,200 sq. ft. of new office space, as well as 30 new jobs.
Borkowski said “I’m excited about this project. This expansion gives us the ability to grow with our customers and better serve their needs. The efficient functional design allows us to respond to our customers increasing demand for high velocity crossdock services, enabling us to handle an extremely high volume of trucks each day.
This new space will allow for Midwest Warehouse to further exemplify the “Friendly Service… Exceptional Results” we strive to provide our customers.
Founded in 1982 by John & Ed Borkowski, Midwest and its related companies are a full service logistics organization which provides warehousing, transportation, packaging, and contract logistics services in 21 facilities with approximately five million square feet of space.
Midwest Warehouse will occupy this new space in Q1 of 2013.
John Rowan
Midwest Warehouse