A lot of workers work in cold conditions these days. And warehouse workers, especially in areas known for harsh winters, have often experienced days at work where they’re complaining to co-workers, “I’m freezing! It’s so cold!”

Now some warehouses are set up to store goods at cold temperatures– goods like medicines and foods– while others aren’t “cold warehouses,” per se, but because of where they’re located, they can “get cold” in the wintertime when it’s 20 degrees outside, right? Either way, what are some good ways to keep warm in a cold warehouse?
Tips for Staying Warm in Warehouses
If and when you can close the doors to the outside when it’s cold outside then do so. That way you’ll minimize cold air sweeping into the warehouse from outdoors, making everyone chilly. Loading doors generally do NOT need to be open “all the time.” And if they do, utilize some plastic sheeting that will help shield the indoor environment from the outdoor one. Also, check to make sure loading doors are well-sealed in order to reduce drafts. Maintain your doors so they don’t get involuntarily stuck “open” during cold months.
How about airflow throughout a warehouse? A warehouse’s layout can be configured to help block cold air from easily moving from the doors to the rest of the building. Wind tunnels can be prevented, too. Rotating fans can be utilized to help move warm air throughout a warehouse. Lighting, especially the kind that “gets warm,” can help warm rooms– or just have a psychological effect of helping make people feel warmer in their environment.
If needed, utilize radiant heaters for large spaces. Also have the HVAC serviced and maintained and/or repaired so that it functions as intended. A good HVAC tune-up can go a long way in creating more comfortable conditions for everyone in a warehouse.
Looking for warehouse space? Contact Affiliated Warehouse Companies at 888-865-1150 for help in finding a space that’s right for you and your warehousing needs.