Whether you’re someone who works at a warehouse or someone who stores things at a warehouse, one thing to think about is this: safety.
If hazardous materials need to be stored in a warehouse then safety is of the utmost importance. After all, you don’t want a serious threat to happen to people, the environment, or your overall business, right? Hazardous materials such as chemicals can cause all sorts of problems if they’re not handled and stored properly. From cancer to explosions, hazardous materials are no joke.
An Honest Look at Operations
So how can warehouses safely store hazard

ous materials? It starts with prioritizing safety. How’s the warehouse currently doing and how could it improve? These are two important questions managers and staffers should ask every so often. Better yet, companies should have safety strategies and protocols in place, so everyone’s on the same page when it comes to risks, objectives and plans. Having a “risk management plan” is important because it can define responses for evacuation and medical emergencies. Preparation is a major key to having a safe warehouse.
Investing in the Right PPE Equipment
In this day and age, it’s important to provide good PPE (personal protective equipment) to those who work with hazardous materials. Equipment can include things like chemical resistant gloves and steel toe boots, as well as hazmat suits.
Sealable Containers
Workers in warehouses where hazardous materials are stored should all join together to ensure that those materials are stored in properly labeled containers in “the right area,” which should be a hazard zone that’s inaccessible to unauthorized people. Containers should be sealable, weather-proof and resistant to corrosion. They should be stored somewhere in the warehouse that’s dry, cool and ventilated. Weekly inspections and routine assessments are vital.
It’s also a good idea to train employees regularly so everyone involved knows what’s being stored in the warehouse and what has to be done to keep everyone safe from any issues or problems with said materials.
If you’re in need of a reliable hazardous materials warehouse, contact Affiliated Warehouse Companies for a FREE quote.