This was sent from the President of D&M Distribution Services our Oklahoma City, OK warehouse client about his partner Major Matthew Dale Dallas 1938 -2018. Something to really be Thankful for! Barry, thanks for sharing this piece and shows true honor and dedication! So courageous and a true hero!
This weekend I was fortunate to be able to be part of a wonderful event. It was the 20th anniversary of the Oklahoma Military Hall of Fame. My reason for attending, my longtime business partner and friend Mathew D. Dallas was selected as one of this year’s inductees.
The event was a solemn and wonderful tribute to some of Oklahoma’s finest. I can’t remember a moment when I was more proud of Mathew and the country he valiantly served.
War is never popular and not always agreed on by political views but, those that serve should ALWAYS be thanked!
As we approach this Thanksgiving holiday we should all remember the things we can be thankful for in our personnel lives. Also include in those a big thank you to the past and current members of our military.
Please take a minute and read the attached tribute to Mr. Dallas.
Have a wonderful Holiday and GOD BLESS AMERICA!
Barry W. Miller
D&M Distribution Services, Inc.